Big BangIzdelkiVse za živaliGlodalci in male živali408461 TRIXIE Outdoor Animal Pen with Protective Net 63x60 cm Silver 6253

408461 TRIXIE Outdoor Animal Pen with Protective Net 63x60 cm Silver 6253

ID: 20989189
126,81 €
Možnost vračila v 14 dneh 
Standardna dostava predvidoma od torka, 25.2. naprej - Brezplačno
Ponudba prodajalca Big Bang eTržnice. Nakup je mogoč izključno preko spleta.
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Prodajalec: Solution 4YOU
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Opis izdelka
Naj vaše male živali uživajo na svežem zraku, varne pred pticami, plenilci in ostalimi napadalci s to TRIXIE zunanjo ogrado za živali z zaščitno mrežo!.


This TRIXIE outdoor animal pen with protective net gives your pets protection from birds of prey and cats as well as plenty of space to roam around. It can be used for playing, exercising, training, or simply keeping your pets safe.

This cage gives your pets plenty of exercise space, while the metal grid lets you keep an eye on the pets, who in turn get a nice view of the surroundings and plenty of fresh air. The top protective net prevents the pet from jumping out. The enclosure consists of 6 panels measuring 63 x 60 cm, including one panel with a door for easy access. You can get additional panels to extend the pen.

Ta kovinska ograda je popolna za male živali.

  • Barva: Srebrna
  • Material: Galvanized metal
  • Size: 120 x 60 cm (Diam. x H)
  • Consists of 6 panels of 63 x 60 cm (W x H)
  • Z vrati
  • Raztegljiva
  • Zaščitna mreža preprečuje, da bi živali skočile ven
  • Velikost mreže: 1 x 1 cm
  • Varuje pred pticami roparicami in mački
  • Tent pegs included
  • Primerno za zajce
  • Inner dimensions: 120 x 120 x 58 cm (L x W x H)